Thursday, November 26, 2009
// # BackLinkSpider user key:
$UserKey ="RO-5694BH-94";
// # The following variable defines how many links to display per page
$LinksPerPage = "25";
// # The following variable defines how many columns are used to display categories
$CategoryColumns = "2";
// # The following variable defines whether links are opened in a new window
// # (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
$OpenInNewWindow = "0";
// ----------------------------------------------
$QueryString = "script=php";
$QueryString .= "&UserKey=" .urlencode($UserKey);
$QueryString .= "&CategoryColumns=" .urlencode($CategoryColumns);
$QueryString .= "&LinksPerPage=" .urlencode($LinksPerPage);
$QueryString .= "&OpenInNewWindow=" .urlencode($OpenInNewWindow);
$QueryString .= "&siteid=8370" ;
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
$value = urlencode(stripslashes($value));
$QueryString .= "&$key=$value";
// congfigure our headers
if(intval(ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) && function_exists('readfile')) {
if(!@readfile("".$QueryString)) {
echo "Error processing request";
elseif(intval(ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) && function_exists('file')) {
if(!($content = @file("".$QueryString))) {
echo "Error processing request";
else {
echo @join('', $content);
elseif(function_exists('curl_init')) {
$ch = curl_init ("".$QueryString);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_exec ($ch);
echo "Error processing request";
curl_close ($ch);
else {
echo "Your web hosting provider has disabled all functions for handling remote pages pages and as a result the BackLinkSpider software will not function on your web site.";
echo "";
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
make money twitter
"How I successful $20+ a day using Twitter, grew over 200,000 followers, and helped oneself my 5,299 followers earn $20+ as lucky."
"Follow my proficiencies, you can also make $20+ daily, all on autopilot! (shh...that's on just one Twitter account, imagine if you keep it going and make 10 Twitter accounts!)"
"A simple method that has successful 5,299 Twitter users make more than $20 a day. A Twitter addict, who has recently successful available his method acting, has rapidly attracted more than than 200,000+ of his followers... " <-- That's me on the news show
Dear Twitter exploiters,
Everytime you go search for make money with Twitter, you end up getting comments telling you can't get money with Twitter. Even the owner of Twitter allows so. BUT, I proved them wrong! I am getting money with Twitter 24/7 on autopilot, when everyone else istelling their complete lie.
Yes, you can make money with Twitter! I am simply a Twitter addict, but I am getting good money! It's not a lot, I love, only $20+ everyday, good thing is, it is ascendible and at this time of writing, I am on my direction to $230+ a day!. What I am starting to share with you are complete my secrets to make money with Twitter and how I managed to get my a few Twitter accounts to over 20,000+ each, and then make money with twitter accounts.
Make Money With Twitter, My Modern Paypal Account Proof:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Make Money With Twitter
Revolution to Set-&-Forget
"How I successful $70+ a day using Twitter, grew over 70,000 followers, and helped oneself my 5,277 followers make $70+ as lucky."
"Follow my techniques, you can also make $70+ everyday, all on automatic pilot! (shh...that's on just one Twitter account, imagine if you keep it getting and make 10 Twitter accounts!)"
"A simple method that has successful 5,277 Twitter users make money with Twitter than $70 a day. A Twitter addict, who has recently successful available his method, has quickly attracted more than 70,000+ of his followers... " <-- That's me along the news show
Dear Twitter exploiters,
Every time you go research for make money with Twitter, you last up getting comments saying you can't make money with Twitter. Even the owner of Twitter allows so. BUT, I shown them wrong! I am make money with Twitter 24/7 on automatic pilot, when everyone else is telling their complete lie.
Yes, you can make money with Twitter! I am simply a Twitter addict, but I am getting good money! It's not a plenty, I know, only $70+ everyday, good thing is, it is ascendible and at this time of publishing, I am on my direction to $170+ a day!. What I am going to share with you are all my secrets to make money with Twitter and how I handled to get my a few Twitter accounts to done with 70,000+ each, and then make money with twitter accounts.Make Money With Twitter My Recent stat’s of Followers of my accounts:
I have scratched out the usernames for privacy .
Like everything else, when you have traffic, you make money with Twitter, your followers are your most precious commodity. If you can't find a way to make money, just focus on making lots of followers will finally make you money! Let me reiterate:
The most powerful thing to make money from your Twitter account is your followers. With a lot of followers, I mean with followers number in 5-6 figures, you can really make money. In That Respect are so many ways you can make money with Twitter, I believed you have heard of the following:
Direct them to Click Bank product, send them to CPA offers, send them to your blog with Adsense ads, send them to buy your own product, send them to your eBay site, direct them to everywhere else with make money with Twitter....
Imagine if you have these accounts, how much money would you make?
Here is the stat of one of my accounts:
I have scratched out the usernames for privacy .
This Most Needed, Exposed Earth-Shattering Book, You Will Learn
1. The ONE Undefeatable Way To Get Over 70,000+ Twitter Followers
2. The ONE Hidden To Bind My Twitter Followers So They Listen My Call
3. The ONE Unknown Method To Automatically Put Fantastic Updates
4. The Numerous Ways You Can make money with Twitter, simply, I will show you my Some Underground Technique To Make $70+ A Day On Automatic Pilot, Best Part, It Is Scalable, Out sourcable!
5. $70+ A Day Is Dumbly-Easily Achievable by Anyone. It Is A Regular Flow Of Cash In Without Involving Any Further Due Care. Set-And-Forget!
You Can Get More Than $70 When You Scale It Large!
You don't need a complete guide on Twitter. I am not marketing that. I have included that as a incentive inside the download page. What I am about to share is a clean yet straight to the point guide to help you make money with Twitter. This e-book has only 10 pages, with step-by-step and screenshot educations on how I setup my accounts and make money with Twitter straight away. No fluff, so it won't price you a bomb.
This method is very simple and scalable. I will also instruct you how to shell it big! It is very easy to make money with Twitter !
Ok! How much is the cost? I won't charge sick expensive high price of $177. I will not charge $137 either. Of course, if I were to charge that high, I will yet get sales, but I just want to make it inexpensive to every Twitter user.
Adsense age has passed, today we are on Twitter! So, I will not charge $87, not even $57 and by all odds not $47.
Good news, you get it for
$47 $17.77 ONLY! (Promotion Price)!
Why $17.77 Simply?
1. It is within reach for most individuals.
2. You don't even need to guess to buy.
3. Easily, you can make your money back
I am going to show you different method acting that I use to make money with Twitter. With this buy, you as well earn yourself a life-time.
BUT! I have brought down a limit on this. I will only sell 100 copies at $17.77, then I will increase the cost. This fix is real and is tracked by PayPal's take stock control.
So, have yours immediately before it is sold. $17.77 for a good way to make $70 daily, you will get back the money numerous times more. Yes, you can start making money with Twitter right off, no wait.
Hurry Up !!
Now its only for $7.99. only, Get It Now!
Just for 10 days Offer and then the Price Will Increase......
Buy it now through paypal :
Contact me if you are interested to buy the e-book :
Buy Now and Start Making Money With Twitter
Thank you!
Make Money Twitter.
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